Rules and Regulation
The art of extemporaneous speaking is not for the faint-hearted. Delivering a coherent, engaging, and moving speech, is easy enough, right? Now try doing that on the spot with only 15 minutes of preparation!
- Out of three randomly selected topics presented at the time of competition, students must choose one topic for their speech.
- The topics will be relevant to the annual theme and will be phrased in the form of a question. Topics will not necessarily require reference materials, but will require an understanding of contemporary issues affecting Muslims domestically and internationally.
- Participants may, if they choose, use references (books, the Quran, etc.) If any reference is used, the participant MUST cite the reference during his or her speech. NO references will be provided by MIST. The use of reference material is optional.
- Example topic: Does a significant rift exist between African-American Muslims and immigrant Muslim communities?
- The topics will be relevant to the annual theme and will be phrased in the form of a question. Topics will not necessarily require reference materials, but will require an understanding of contemporary issues affecting Muslims domestically and internationally.
- Fifteen (15) minutes before the competition is to begin, the first competitor shall draw three (3) topics, choose one (1), and return the others. The next competitors shall draw in the same manner, in their speaking order, at seven (7)-minute intervals. A competitor drawing a topic on which he has spoken previously in the tournament shall return that topic and draw again.
- Once a competitor has chosen a topic, they may neither change nor alter that topic.
- After the competitor has chosen a topic, they shall withdraw to the preparation area and have fifteen (15) minutes to plan their speech without conferring or exchanging information with anyone.
- Time limit is seven (7) minutes maximum with a thirty (30)-second grace period. Violation of this rule will result in the competitor being ranked last in the round when visible time signals have been given by the judge or by the authorized timekeeper.
- A note card may be used in preliminary rounds of invitational qualifying tournaments but is not permitted in any elimination rounds of these tournaments.
- Electronic device usage is not permitted during the competition.
- This competition will be conducted in-person.
- MIST ID and order of competition will be pre-assigned on a random selection basis.
- All competitors will report to the competition room at the same time, which will be designated in the competition schedule.
- Depending on the number of students who sign up for this event, the competition might be conducted in a series of rounds, with only the top competitors advancing to subsequent rounds.
- The performance will be judged according to the Extemporaneous Speaking Detailed Ballot.